Covid and Making Friends Online

At the beginning of 2019, when Covid-19 hit the world, it turned our lives upside down. The whole world was quarantined in their houses for months without knowing how long this virus would take to calm down and stop spreading.

Many people were away from family and friends as it was not safe to step out. The quarantining also left many people not knowing what to do with their day as there is only so much you can do being stuck inside the house.

At the time, the trend of making online friends became extremely common. People spent a lot of time online, chatting, video calling, and meeting new people.

Advantages of Making Friends Online 

Online friendships are one of the most wholesome experiences one could ever have, and it is a great way to pass time while being home the whole day. You can play online games with them, chat with them, video call them, talk about similar things you and they like, etcetera.

In today’s fast world, it feels hard to stay connected to friends because everyone is busy doing their own thing. Friends often are not free when you are and vice versa. With online friends, you can text them whenever you are free and wherever you are because they are literally on your phone.

Shy people find it hard to socialize, and that is why online friendship is something many introverts lean towards. The reason for this is that they do not have to see the person, at least at first when they start talking.

Once they feel comfortable with the person, they can decide to video call or meet in person at their convenience.

In times like Covid, having online friends is ideal because they provide the support system you so badly need. They give you the motivation to get out of bed and do something with your day instead of just wasting it away.

The Impact of Good Company 

You may or may not have heard about being around positive people can have a positive effect on you and being around negative and pessimistic people can drain your energy.

The same applies to people you chat with online too. If a person, even on text, says negative things to you about their life or just generally is constantly complaining about one thing or the other, it will after some time start affecting you too.

It is important to be selective of who is part of your life whether it is online or in person. It may seem like someone on the internet who you are talking to, cannot affect you but that is far from the truth.

In tough times when Covid already affects people’s lives and mental health, you must ask yourself who adds value to your life and who only drains your energy.


Making friends online during Covid is a great idea, and it will keep you busy on days when you have nothing else to do and are unable to go out either. It will help you find the most amazing friends who will help you grow and flourish in life.